Supervised Visitation Services
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Professional Supervised Visitation Monitor?
Sometimes, based on issues of protection and safety, a judge will order that a child only have contact with a parent when a neutral third person is present during the visitation. This type of third-person visitation arrangement is often called “supervised visitation.”
The supervised visitation provider is there to make every effort to keep your children safe. The provider may be a family member, a friend, or a paid professional. The provider’s job is to make sure that the children and everyone involved in the visits are kept reasonably safe and protected. The provider must be present at all times during the visit, listen to what is being said, and pay close attention to the children’s behavior. If necessary, the provider may interrupt or end a visit. All providers are required to report suspected child abuse.
Types of providers
The law says there are 2 types of supervised visitation providers:
Nonprofessional providers
Professional providers
A Non-Professional provider is usually a family member or friend who is not paid for providing the supervised visitation service to you and your family. Professional providers charge a fee for the service. They are experienced in and trained to provide supervised visitation services. Your court order will usually say which type of provider you have to use to supervise these visits.
All providers must follow the uniform standards of practice for providers of supervised visitation outlined in standard 5.20 of the California Standards of Judicial Administration and Family Code section 3200.5. The court form Declaration of Supervised Visitation Provider (Form FL-324) which providers can fill out to let the court know about their qualifications can help you understand what the law requires for both types of supervised visitation providers.
Helpful Information and Tips About Supervised Visitation for Parents
Tips for the visiting parent
Being with your children in the presence of someone else may be uncomfortable for you, at least in the beginning. You probably have many questions and concerns, and that is perfectly understandable. During tough times you may want to talk to a mental health professional or find a support group to help you with your feelings. Do your best to focus on your relationship with your children. Your patience and commitment are important during this time.
Here are some suggestions that might be helpful to you:
Read the court order.
Arrive and depart on time.
Avoid discussing the court case or terms of the visit with your children.
Avoid quizzing your children about the other parent’s activities and relationships.
Avoid making your children messengers to the other parent.
Say brief and positive good-byes to your children when the visit is over.
Tips for the custodial parent
Supervised visitation can also be a challenge for you. Typically you have been taking care of your children’s everyday needs and have a routine for yourself and your family. Supervised visitation can sometimes feel like 1 more responsibility. Of course, you also have concerns and questions about the visits and how they will affect your children. This is understandable. In difficult times you may also want to talk to a mental health professional or find a support group where you can talk about your feelings.
Here are a few suggestions that might help you in the process:
Read the court order.
Explain to your children where and when the visits will take place.
Have your children ready with anything they will need during the visits.
Arrive on time to drop off and pick up your children.
Reassure your children that you support them in having a pleasant visit.
Avoid quizzing your children about the visit.
Avoid making your children messengers to the other parent.
Tips for both parents
Supervised visitation can be difficult and uncomfortable at times. Often there are hurt and angry feelings toward the other parent. It may also seem impossible to have a positive attitude about supervised visitation. Remember that both of you care about your children and that children benefit from having 2 parents in their lives whenever possible.
Copywright 4Ever Family 2016